Saturday, March 7, 2009

Shady Fun!

Hey Guys!

Sorry I haven't written for a while, school can do that to you. So, I reckon a little updating is necessary. Last weekend the CET activity was a scavenger hunt. It was soooo much fun, but it made me realize two things: 1) I had no idea how big Harbin actually is and 2) I'm too competitive. Don't get me wrong, I laughed when two of the guys on my team had to put lamb kebabs in their mouths and hold a tango pose while someone else took their picture. Or the fact that if it came down to it I would be the one who had to eat the shrink-wrapped chicken foot to get the extra points to win the game....but man did I get angry when a couple of the guys were walking around taking pictures. I didn't say anything but deep down I was really pissed off...if only chill pills were real... prozac? nah. I'll pass. As for who won...obviously it was my team, yay! and I DIDN'T have to eat the chicken foot which was even better! :)

So, now for THIS weekend's update. The CET activity was bowling, how American of them! A lot of the Chinese didn't know how to bowl, but they still bowled really really well. It was a lot of fun making them laugh by moon walking to and from different places. I put one of the bowling balls under my shirt and walked around like a pregnant lady too. One of the head program leaders was there and he took my picture, don't think that one's going on the CET website tho...too bad... That night some of the CET guys wanted to head out to a disco/bar called Russian Size. I arrived early with some of my friends and we got a table loaded with popcorn, fruit, beer, vodka, and pepsi. Any other time I would've chowed down immediately...not in China, if you did that you'd end up paying 50 USD for a 2 dollar bag of popcorn. Buuuut turns out everything was free, so I gave all the hosts there high-fives and chowed down. The bar was smoky but fun, the music was good for a Chinese disco. Usually they just play techno and everyone jumps up and down...a good calf workout but not dancing in my book.

The thing I like the most about Chinese discos is that you get to meet people from all over the world. My friends and I met a girl from Nigeria, a girl from Mongolia, a guy from Ghana, and (of course) some Russians. The Russian guys kept asking me if I was Russian in Russian...I guess they couldn't take the hint when I kept saying no in English and Chinese....I should've just said nyet (no in Russian), that would've really messed 'em up. One of the Russians was really nice and the other was really weird...I'm not sure if he was trying to give me a "sexy look" but it was more like "sexy serial killer". I kept waiting for someone to whisper "Hullo Clarisse" in my ear....oh well, I had a good time anyway. My legs hurt really bad from dancing so much, and it doesn't help that I live on the 4th floor of my dorm. I sound like an old woman climbing the stairs. :[

Well, next week CET's activity is to visit a Chinese family...I think I'm gonna pass on that one. I've already got a schedule to watch grass grow and paint dry...sorry! Sorry for not being a good blogger, I'll try and keep this thing updated a little better. Thanks for reading! I miss you guys!!


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